What does Restylane do? How is it different from Botox?

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What does Restylane do? How is it different from Botox?

Restylane is very effective in smoothing out and filling in bothersome wrinkles and lines, particularly in the lower part of the face. It has several advantages over other filler-type materials such as collagen; it lasts longer and causes very little adverse reaction. It is easy to administer (injected through a small needle), and once its effectiveness has diminished six months to a year later, the body safely absorbs it.

Restylane and Botox (botulinum toxin) often are used in a complementary fashion. While Restylane is best for the lower face, Botox is great for wrinkles that occur in the upper face – crow’s feet or the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows – because it paralyzes muscle and nerve endings, stopping the skin from wrinkling.




Bleeding from the tongue is not a good sign if that is the exact location of bleeding as per your description.

If the bleeding is actually from the gums it can be corrected by cleaning of the teeth.

You should visit a dentist as soon as possible so that the exact cause of this bleeding can be identified and the right treatment can be instituted

Alternatively you can post clinical pictures of the affected areas on for an online consultation with a specialist. 


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